Kitesurfing in Sebastian is a lot of fun, and it’s a sport that’s growing in popularity. It can be a challenging sport, and all you need is the wind to get going.
“I have been doing this for about 12 years. Right now, I am working on Foil Riding, which is similar, but the board has the wing beneath it, and it is a bit more challenging, so I have been mostly in the river,” Michael Anthony told Sebastian Daily.

Kitesurfing is a surface watersport powered by the wind. You don’t need a boat, only the kite and a board to move across the water. The wind is the only force needed to power you along the river, lagoon, or even near the Sebastian Inlet.
Anthony, who is also an instructor, says it is very safe for a novice. But it’s essential to get proper instruction and to go out in the right conditions.
The kite is attached to a harness that the person wears around their waist. If the rider gets into trouble, they can release the kite, which is attached to a leash. Anthony says it’s a great sport that anyone can learn.
“There really aren’t any requirements other than to be aware of where you are going and all that is involved for your own personal safety,” Anthony said.
There is a place nearby in Grant called Endless Windz Kiteboarding. There’s a guy there by the name of Stu who has been teaching the sport for about 20 years. Anthony says he’s one of the best instructors around.
Endless Windz Kiteboarding can also set up an instructor based on the time that they have and their scheduling.

Anthony has enjoyed kitesurfing near the Sebastian Inlet, in the lagoon, and the St. Sebastian River. He can ride anywhere, but it depends on the wind direction.
“Depending on the direction of the wind, that determines where we ride,” Anthony said.
If the wind is coming from the east, then they ride in Grant. However, a west wind makes it gusty; it is not a good direction for the sport.
“When the wind blows clean across the ocean toward the land in any direction, that is usually pretty good. But whenever the wind has to come across the trees and the buildings and everything else, it can be really choppy and gusty,” Anthony said.
If you’re new to the sport and want to watch, you can catch some kitesurfing in the river near the bridge that crosses into Micco. They can also be seen in the waters near the Old Fish House in Grant. On warmer days, they can be seen from the sandbar near the Sebastian Inlet.
Everyone who does kitesurfing says it’s a lot of fun.