On Friday, Sebastian City Councilwoman Pamela Parris said something different to at least three different news publications.
Parris told one paper that her Facebook was hacked, that she never wrote the public rant. Then, Parris told another paper that she was misquoted because of a “misinformation campaign.” She then told another news agency that she didn’t mean to insult anyone, admitting to writing it. So, she did write it, but didn’t because she was hacked, and finally, she didn’t mean to insult.
“Parris said she planned to check with information-technology specialists to determine how the comments were posted on her social-media page,” TCPalm reported.
“I will find out,” she said. “I don’t know how it got there. I didn’t write it,” Parris told TCPalm.
Letters to the Editor for December 12, 2019. (More on the way.)
Hi there, I have been following this story since it broke on your website (I’m loyal and avid reader) and not only was it was completely despicable what Pamela said regarding the citizens of Sebastian but then for her to deny that she made those horrible comments makes it that much worse. And what upsets me even further is for her to claim that “Sebastian Daily” is the entity that made those comments on her Facebook page is absurd and that anyone with a half of a brain would actually believe her is insulting to say the least. (because not only are we fat but we’re obviously stupid too!)
Furthermore, I worked in media locally here in Sebastian, FL and very closely with Alan Nelson at Hometown News and he is one of the most straight up, honest and trustworthy professionals that I’ve had the pleasure of associating with in business. For her to lie about his suggestion to sue you people upsets me whole heartily. I know Alan very well and it is truly against everything in his character and moral fiber to have suggested any of that nonsense.
She is pulling at strings and trying to use diversion tactics to take the well deserved heat off of herself. I truly hope that you post my comments so that the rest of Sebastian can read them. I am not a transplant from up North, I am a native South Floridian and I am outraged at her comments about the Snow Birds. The seasonal folks from up North are the economical life line of Sebastian and have worked very hard all of their lives to be able to enjoy the peaceful and tranquil little slice of heaven in Sebastian and I admire and appreciate them as well. Snowbirds please understand that us Florida natives are on your side and this lady absolutely cannot remain in office.
Warmest Regards,
Ronda Hamilton
Ms. Parris has no business being on the city council.
I did not vote for her but would certainly vote to remove her from the council!
Linda A. Rembert Swinson
Thank you for printing these letters. She shot herself in the foot.
Ignorance is NOT what we need in our town council. She won because of her opposition to the annexation.
Too bad we did not see her rant before the election.
Our loyal townspeople will rip down her dark curtain. She has invalidated herself.
Jenifer Mina
I’m hoping as more and more residents see what has happened to our City Council they will get involved enough to hold public officials such as Pam accountable for their actions.
Let’s not forget they also re-instated a man that attacked one of our police officers to his position on the Cities Natural Resources Board.
If we don’t get involved and do something we will turn around one day and not even recognize our City.
Hopefully this will teach us how important it is to research before voting.
There were many red flags about Pam if anyone would have just talked to her for 5 minutes.
Only 18% of residents voted how sad is that.
Tracey Cole
Thank you Sebastian Daily News for letting me know about this sad state of affairs.
I have been a frequent visitor of the beautiful City of Sebastian for the past 30 years. By the grace of God, I was finally able to move here a year ago. My new home is currently under construction.
Sebastian Daily News has been my go to point for local information. I have always found Andy Hodges and his team of reporters to be honorable, impartial, fair-minded and accurately truthful.
Although I was very insulted by the initial reporting of Pamela Parris’s ignorant comments related to local use of herbicides, never have I ever written a letter to the editor of anything. However, after reading today’s newsletter, I cannot sit idly by and not add my voice those of the publicly outraged.
Ms. Parris is clearly the wrong person for this job or any public servant position that impacts the residents of Sebastian. We need a mature, professional and tactful role model representing the interests of our community at large; someone who will portray our citizenry in a positive manner.
D. Vispone
Florida resident since 1981
former Connecticut Yankee and proud of it
Here’s the entire rant Pam Parris wrote on Facebook: