Beginning today, residents 50 years and older are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility in both Indian River County and Brevard County.
Last week,
Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 21-67 (Amending Executive Order 20-315 – Vaccine Administration/Protecting Florida’s Seniors), which takes effect on Monday, March 22, 2021. Per the Executive Order, Indian River County will expand its COVID-19 vaccination to include the following:
- Long-term care facility residents and staff;
- Persons 50 years of age and older; and
- Health care personnel with direct patient contact;
- Persons under 50 deemed medically vulnerable by a physician *(form required);
- * If you are a person under 60 and are deemed extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 for the purposes of receiving a vaccine, your physician will need to complete the Florida Department of Health Determination of Extreme Vulnerability Form certifying that you are deemed medically vulnerable. The form MUST be signed by a physician and filled out prior to your scheduled vaccine appointment with the County. You will need to bring the original copy of the signed form with you to your scheduled appointment.
A valid ID is required to verify age and/or employment upon arrival for vaccine appointment. You can signup to be on the waitlist by visiting My Vaccine Florida – Stop the Virus.