Judah and Sons, a retail market serving Sebastian and Indian River County, will close Monday after being in business for 70 years.
The business has suffered damage from various hurricanes in the past. However, Hurricane Dorian caused so much damage to their seawall that it can no longer protect the historic fish market.
“Today marks the closing of Judah & Sons fish house along Indian River Drive in Sebastian. Three generations of Charlie Semblers stopped by to show their respect to the Judah family. The Semblers and the Judahs worked and lived just down the road from one another for more than 7 decades. The Judahs are the “Salt of the Earth” and provided fresh fish to thousands and thousands of local folks over the years. I know things can’t and don’t stay the same, but this is great loss for not only the Sebastian riverfront, but also the state of Florida,” Beth Sembler, Sembler & Sembler, Inc., said.

The shop can no longer stay open without completing several renovations to the business.
Judah and Sons will close Monday after 70 years.