Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery, Inc. (TSR), Gold Hound, LLC, and Greg Bounds will begin a treasure recovery at the known 1715 sites off the coast of Sebastian, Florida. The crew will use a specially made treasure recovery vessel named the Capitana.
“The vessel was worked up with Gold Hound and TSR and was taken from Ft. Pierce to Sebastian to work the thousands of targets,” TSR said in a statement.
The Capitana, under the direction of Greg Bounds, will have a crew and divers from both companies to operate on target locations previously unsearched. They use new scanning technologies and to pinpoint areas to be searched for expected dramatic recoveries.
The large dive vessel has blower machinery and ample space for diving, and equipment made for treasure recovery. The two companies seek a more significant amount of treasure recovery during the summer months in Sebastian.

The site area off Sebastian has been perpetually permitted with the State of Florida, and has been the site of valuable recoveries from a suspected four wrecks from the renowned and enormously laden 1715 Fleet, which sank in July 1715 during a hurricane.
Although much of the inshore areas have been worked, and many recoveries made, the vast amount of treasure, in the form of gold and silver coins, bullion bars, emeralds, jewelry, and other valuable items are still to be found.
Through the exhaustive work of Bounds over the last year, he has tracked and identified thousands of “hits” extending out in un-searched areas that show definitive trails of wrecks to be explored and recoveries to be made.
“These sites and targets are proven treasure troves, historically and with TSR in partnership with Gold Hound, we look forward to a fantastic dive and recovery season,” a TSR spokesperson said.
Sebastian Daily will keep you informed on their progress over the summer months.