BAREFOOT BAY – We love community stories; this is one about a puppy named “Sugar.”
When a retired Barefoot Bay resident got a part-time job, he was worried about his dog Sugar. What would he do with his dog while at work? Who’s going to let her out so she can “do her business”?
Thankfully, several neighbors stepped-in to walk her. Some just stopped by to pet and talk to the puppy.

“She is so popular now that there is a sign-out sheet if you take her,” said neighbor Joan Moskus of Barefoot Bay.
“For me its a blessing, I need to lose weight so walking to see her will help,” Moskus told Sebastian Daily.
For other elderly neighbors — it’s like having “fun” with a dog without the commitment or expense of a pet.
Dogs are fantastic company and fun to have around. Seeing the unconditional love of dogs can make this very rewarding.
Moskus says it’s all about “neighbors helping neighbors in Barefoot Bay.”