A coyote with a plastic jar around its neck was tracked for several days, in Sebastian, by the Wild Florida Rescue.
A member of the wildlife-rescue team told Sebastian Daily the coyote was rescued last Thursday near a mobile home park on U.S. Highway 1.
The Sebastian coyote was first seen last Monday with a plastic pretzel jar stuck around its neck. The wild animal caught the attention of several locals who contacted the Wild Florida Rescue.
There have been regular sightings of Coyotes in Sebastian, Vero Lake Estates, Micco, and Fellsmere. Some pets have been attacked, but the coyotes are often afraid of people.
A wildlife-rescue spokeswoman said the coyote was dehydrated and suffered from an infection after days of walking around with the jar around its neck.
Luckily, the animal was captured and is being treated at the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in Jupiter. It will eventually be released in a designated location.
Some of the wildlife team members said the coyote was “very sweet” but was extremely tired and hungry. They emphasized that it’s still a wild animal and not a domestic pet.

A resident who has cattle in northwest Indian River County said coyotes get aggressive in packs, and people should avoid them.
“We have them out here. They get aggressive in packs, and they are definitely dangerous. People should definitely stay away from them,” John Campbell told Sebastian Daily.
“They attack newborn cattle and pets and have been known to attack children,” Campbell added.
The recent population boom and urban development areas across Florida has caused conflicts between people and wildlife.
“Those conflicts, often resulting in life or death situations for the affected wildlife, and require a rapid response by trained wildlife professionals,” Wild Florida Rescue said in a statement.