When will the weather be warmer? We got the details for Sebastian, Florida

Cold in Sebastian, Florida

Cold in Sebastian, Florida

The weather has been cold for about three days in Sebastian, Florida. But now everyone is wishing for warmer weather. Sebastian’s low Saturday night dipped to 33 degrees.

We can expect temperatures near 76 degrees by Thursday, with warm temperatures near 81 all weekend.

Here are the daily temperatures (Highs/Lows):

We’ll have another forecast by Friday to talk about the weekend. For now, winds are out of the north at 5 to 10 mph, with higher gusts expected on Saturday. 

There’s a slight chance of rain on Friday and Saturday, but we don’t think we’ll see it here in Sebastian.

There are no boating advisories. Seas are 2 to 3 feet all week, with moderate chop on the Intracoastal waters. 

Our Sebastian fishing report will also be out later today. 

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