Help beach-nesting birds this holiday weekend 

Black skimmer family. FWC photo by Brittney Brown.

Black skimmer family. FWC photo by Brittney Brown.

This Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds beachgoers how to help protect vulnerable beach-nesting birds while enjoying Florida’s coastal habitats near the Sebastian Inlet this holiday weekend.

Each spring and summer, shorebirds and seabirds rely on Florida’s sandy beaches for critical nesting habitat. Everyone headed to our shorelines this weekend can make a big difference in shorebird and seabird nesting success. 

So be a hero for beach-nesting birds this Independence Day weekend and beyond by following these simple shorebird-friendly tips:

For more information about beach-nesting birds in Florida, go to and download the “Share the Beach with Beach-Nesting Birds” brochure. Or go to the Florida Shorebird Alliance website at to learn more about participating in shorebird and seabird conservation efforts.

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