Letters to the Editor: The Dynamic Dimwit Duo in Sebastian City Council

Letters to the Editor in Sebastian, Florida.

Letters to the Editor in Sebastian, Florida.

Letters to the Editor for January 12, 2020.

Dynamic Dimwit Duo

Because of the actions of the “Dynamic Dimwit Duo”, Damien Gilliams and Pamela Parris, the city council of Sebastian have become a viral sensation.

Unfortunately, they have become famous for child-like behavior, lying, corruption, and cartoonish grandstanding. Wouldn’t it be nice if the city of Sebastian was known for its small-town beauty, close-knit community, or charitable actions instead of buffoonery?

This embarrassment needs to stop, and if the “DDD” can’t be removed or shamed into resigning, that means the citizens must speak with their votes.

Let’s not vote for whoever has the most advertisements or buzzwords of the day, but rather the substance of their character. Sebastian deserves better.

Jason H.

News & Opinions

The difference between news and opinion has become blurred in the Sebastian Daily. Please affect repairs.

A Jan. 9 article references Ed Dodd’s statement on alleged Sunshine Law violations. The quotes therein are properly attributed. But in the seventh graph, without quotes or attribution, the article states, “The city council meeting Wednesday was a travesty and an embarrassment to the City of Sebastian.” This is opinion, not news.

On Jan. 7, a headline begins, “Disgraced Councilwoman.” The first graph begins, “Disgraced City Councilwoman,” which characterization is repeated in the tenth graph. The individual in question told several different stories about a single set of facts, but that doesn’t give you leave to refer to her as “disgraced,” without attribution, or to refer later in the same article to council members who are, “willing to lie.” These are opinions, not news.

In a Dec. 17, 2019 article, you reference outstanding taxes owed by a member of city council. The Sebastian Daily apparently did not have time to inform us if any other council members owe back taxes, yet somehow had time to refer to the “disgraced city councilwoman,” who has absolutely nothing to do with another council member’s back taxes. This is a toxic mixture of targeting and opinion.
Please confine yourself to facts when presenting news. We the voters will express our opinions in your Letters to the Editor page, and, more importantly, in the next city election.

Steven Smith

Editor’s response:

Thank you for your feedback, and we do value it as it keeps us on track.

We have several reporters for Sebastian Daily and we construct these articles as a group, even though most of them have the editor’s name as the author. There’s been some frustrations on our part, which has led to opinionated statements, as you pointed out.

I am also sending your email to the rest of the staff, so collectively, we can remain on track. And you’re right, the people will express their opinions in the Letters to the Editor, and at the polls.

Again, thank you for bringing this matter up and we value your feedback.

Election of Damien Gilliams

I am not a City of Sebastian resident, however I do reside in Sebastian Florida.

I recently attended a meeting at Sebastian city hall to address the reinstatement of a volunteer who had been arrested for battery on a police officer and had been voted back on in an advisory capacity.

The police officer and police chief were prepared to make statements at a prior council meeting, but were deprived of that opportunity by the council. I find that to be unacceptable, I believe in all persons be afforded an opportunity to present their side of a discussion.

During the course of the meeting I realized why Councilman Gilliams had never been elected to the council for many years prior to running for the most recent election, when he was finally elected. It was because he is incompetent and in prior elections the electorate.

Jeff Kracht

Damien Gilliams Disappointment

I am so disappointed in Damien Gilliams, he sure talked a lot about how good he was going to be for the city of Sebastian.

What a disaster.

Nadine Evans

Don’t complain if you didn’t vote

For everyone outraged by the actions of the recently elected council members, please ask yourself if you took the time to vote during this most recent election. If you answered yes, please feel free to comment on their actions. If you didn’t vote, don’t blame anyone else but yourself.

Elections matter and your vote counts, but if you didn’t vote, please refrain from commenting. You had the chance to vote them in or out of office and you chose to sit this one out.

Jack Harrigan

Damien Gilliams’ Unpaid Taxes

Why don’t they put a lien against the No Name Bar if they can’t pay their taxes on time to the county. If no payment, they should auction it off to highest bidder.

John Fink

Damien Gilliams

This man never changes. He’s a manipulative, egotistical jackass.

Surprised he’s able to do anything in this city.

Wanda Douglas-Vickers

Damien Gilliams’ says his taxes are his business

Damien Gilliams says his late business taxes are only his business.

However, once you become a public official, it’s the business of the people. This man doesn’t pay his taxes until they are near a lien status. RIDICULOUS!

And he’s going to participate in our city budget? He can’t even budget his own personal and business duties!

I checked the tax records of all other business in Sebastian and they pay their taxes on time! What Damien is doing with his taxes is not normal.

Pay your taxes Mr. Gilliams! Shame on you!

Sam Cole

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