Letters to the Editor: Restore faith in humanity during coronavirus pandemic

Letters to Editor

Letters to Editor

We’ve been receiving a lot of Letters to the Editor about the coronavirus, and a lot of them are questions that we answered during our live newscast on Friday.

We decided to print the one shown below because we feel it’s very important.

Please reach out to those who are older and may need help at this time.

Sebastian Daily will report the latest coronavirus testing sites this week.

Letters to the Editor for March 14, 2020.

Dear Sebastian Daily,

As news and fears of this virus grows, one thing I have heard over and over again is that the elderly are the ones most at risk. What I have not heard is how people are helping the elderly who have no one to help them through this time.

Therefore, I urge everyone to reach out to your elderly neighbors, check in, make sure they have the necessary essentials during this time and have a point of contact in case they get sick, leave them groceries- especially since going out and interacting with others can put them at risk or cost them their lives, but also be watchful and make sure they aren’t being taken advantage of because of this virus.

I would also suggest that local newspapers, neighborhood watch, and neighborhood newsletters send out information offering assistance to their designated areas, set up a hotline where people can call and ask for help and be able to connect with others who want to help whether with groceries that can be left at their door with no in person contact or offering any other assistance that they may need.

Now is the time to come together. STOP with the mindset of “everyone for themselves.” Now is the time to restore faith in humanity.

With kindest regards,

Ingrid H.

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