Letters to the Editor for May 24, 2020

Letters to the Editor in Sebastian, Florida.

Letters to the Editor in Sebastian, Florida.

Letters to the Editor in Sebastian for May 24, 2020.

I just wanted to share that after watching Andy’s interview with Damien Gilliams, I was very impressed with the reporter’s objective, courteous, and calm demeanor. He did a great job.

It was refreshing to see a calm conversation about this controversial situation.

Good work Sebastian Daily! Thank you!

Dawn Garzone

Great interview Andy. I am a snowbird and do not know the players in Sebastian Politics.

Reading only headlines prior to seeing the video, I thought that Mr. Gilliams must be a madman of sorts. He demonstrated his passion for doing what is right for Sebastian and his sincerity in the interview.

I wish him the best and also thank you for your 21st century approach to journalism.

Jim Della Volpe
VP Board of Directors at Oyster Pointe Resort

I am absolutely thrilled to see that there will be a recall petition of the council members.

Out of the three, I see Damien Gilliams as a perfect example of the type of “leader” that is a bully, and if he had half a chance, he would run this city like a gulag.

I liken him to politicians in this country who are currently restricting the freedoms of their citizens regarding the Covid Event. Their rights of free speech and normal activity in their everyday lives are being trampled to an alarming degree.

This city is not a police state, and the citizens and laws are not subject to the whims of his dictatorial mind.

I’m sure Gilliams would be happier to practice his Napoleonic complex in a setting where citizens are too afraid to push back. That is NOT Sebastian!

Chris Kebbel

I enjoy the Sebastian Daily newsletters. I recently emailed you about why there were more videos than newsletters. However, I, found your video interview with Gilliams very interesting.

It is important for citizens to hear both sides. In this instance, a video was much more informative than a written news article. So, hats off to you!

Your patience and professionalism during the interview is to be admired.

While I personally do not agree with Gilliams’ claim to be a servant of Sebastian, I do admire and appreciate your effort to get his take on recent events.

In other words, you were right! Many events are appropriate as a newsletter while others deserve a video.

Thanks for all that you do to keep us informed! Keep up the good work!

Lynn Conroy

It doesn’t matter what Gilliams thinks anymore, or whether or not I have all the facts or information. What matters is the fact that he has lost all credibility and respect from the Citizens of Sebastian. So, no matter what he does from here on he is revered as a bully, trouble maker, and a liability to us, the taxpayers of Sebastian.

We, the taxpayers, carry the Council and the City, no one else.

They work on our behalf, not the other way around. If we don’t want them to represent us, then we have that right.

It seems to me that one of Gilliams lines was “if my constituents had lost faith in my ability to do the job, I would step down.” Perhaps not the exact words, but the same jist.

Mr. Gilliams – your constituents have lost complete faith in your ability to properly represent us. Therefore, we desire that you step down. I mean if you are a man of your word and integrity, then that should not be a problem. And after all, you are a man with many words.

He may have started with good intentions, but that is completely unfounded now.

All he has done to this point is cost the City taxpayers money, created havoc for the City Council and the Citizens of Sebastian and worst of all created such animosity towards him and some others on the council.

It’s time for him to move on and let the council do it’s due diligence at this point. Mr. Gilliams made it abundantly clear last night that he won’t step down, so it further places a wedge between him and the Citizens of Sebastian and shows that he doesn’t care about us or what we say, that he only cares about himself and his agenda and most importantly, he is not a man of his word.

Again, it’s a sad day for all of Sebastian to have to see this happen because of one persons actions. Now it is up to us.

Mary Joan Rullo

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