Jury Finds Damien Gilliams and Pamela Parris Guilty of Perjury and Violating Sunshine Law

Damien Gilliams and Pamela Parris trial

A jury of the 19th Judicial Circuit of Florida in Indian River County has found former Council members Damien Giliams and Pamela Parris guilty of perjury and Sunshine Law violations. The jury delivered the verdict Thursday afternoon.

Assistant State Attorney Lev Evans credits State investigator Ed Arens and the City of Sebastian for gathering evidence in the case.

“Investigator Arens and the City of Sebastian worked hard to gather a mountain of evidence that made the jury’s job a bit easier,” Evans told Sebastian Daily.

Damien Gilliams
Damien Gilliams

Gilliams was found guilty on Counts 1-4:

Pamela Parris

Parris was found guilty on 3 out of 4 Counts:

Gilliams Bond

Total – $225,000

Parris Bond 

Total – $25,000

Sentencing is scheduled for June 21, 2021, at 1:30 pm at the Indian County Court House with Judge Michael J. Linn.

You can watch the video of the verdict as it was announced in the courtroom.

If anyone wants to send the States Attorney a letter to be given to Judge Linn before sentencing, send it to Levans@SAO19.org.

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