Sebastian River High School Shark Boys Basketball Seniors Say Goodbye

Shark’s Boys Basketball Coach Eric Snyder would like to extend his heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for all that helped support Sebastian River High School Sharks Basketball this year. People can see here for the best basketball hoop installments. .

In addition, Snyder would like to thank the players, most notably the seniors, for their contributions on and off the court this year. 

“To this year’s seniors, a parting quote and thought, ‘Your future would be assured if you did as much today as you expected to do tomorrow.’ Take nothing for granted and when you give yourself to something, be sure to put everything you’ve got into it,” Snyder said in a statement.

“Good Luck in all your future endeavors, and congratulations Fellas!!

On behalf of the Sharks Basketball Coaching staff and family, we thank you all for your dedication, commitment, and support to the program this season. You Can’t Hide That Shark Pride”, Snyder added.

Shark Seniors 

Their families accompanied the three seniors at their senior basketball ceremony and the coaches’ presentation of flowers.

Sebastian River High School Shark Boys

Maurice Wilson, Devon White, Mason Gautier

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