Sebastian Police Department “Shop with a Cop” Event & Fudge Fundraiser

Shop with a Cop

Shop with a Cop

The Sebastian Police Department COPE (Community Oriented Policing Endeavor) unit is teaming up with The Marketplace Bulk Food & More to bring you a “sweet” way to help them raise funds for the Sebastian annual “Shop with a Cop” event.

Due to COVID-19, the police department hasn’t been able to have its regular events to raise money for their annual “Shop with a Cop” event, which helps local children in need have a Christmas.

How will “Shop with a Cop” work this year?

“Shop with a Cop” will be a bit different this year due to the virus. The Sebastian Police Department will be covering children who attend Pelican Island Elementary, Sebastian Elementary, and Sebastian Charter Junior High. The COPE unit is hoping to supply 80 participants with gifts.

Once the participants are chosen, they will supply the Sebastian Police Department COPE Unit with a list of items they would like to have purchased. The officers will be shopping for these items at Sebastian Walmart. 

Then, on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, they will be meeting up with each child at Riverview Park between 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm to give them the items they purchased for them. The children will have different time slots based on the last name to ensure social distancing.

The Sebastian Police Department chose 4 Fudge Favors and 4 Turtle Flavors. Each box has been carefully crafted and is ready for you to enjoy or give as gifts while helping make “Shop with a Cop” possible.

Each box is $25, and $10 of each box sold will be given to the police department. Fudge and Turtles are made and ready for you to pick up.

Fudge Flavors – One box of 4

Turtle Flavors – One box of 4

The Marketplace Bulk Food & More is located at 1124 US Highway 1, in Sebastian. They can be reached at (772) 228-8984.

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