City of Sebastian Confirms Nearly 7,500 Signed Petitions to Recall Council Members

Tracey Cole and Christopher Nunn

Tracey Cole and Christopher Nunn

The Sebastian Voters Against Gilliams and Parris have turned in nearly 7,500 signed petitions to recall Council members Damien Gilliams, Pamela Parris, and Charles Mauti.

On Friday, City Clerk Jeanette Williams confirmed the receipt of 7,491 signed petitions by Sebastian citizens.

Damien Gilliams has the most signed petitions to recall, followed by Pamela Parris, then Charles Mauti.

Here are the results:

“Look what the citizens have accomplished in such a short time. I’m proud to live in Sebastian. We deserve better. Thanks to each and everyone who signed and who helped us in this part of Sebastian history,” Tracey Cole, founder of the recall group, said in a statement.

This is the first phase to collect 6,000 signed petitions within 30 days. Cole said they collected the signed petitions within 47 hours. The second phase will be another round of petitions before the three council members are added to a ballot to be voted out of public office.

Last week, the recall group rented Riverview Park to set up multiple tables for volunteers to collect signatures. They were interrupted by Councilman Damien Gilliams demanding to see permits. He was then seen waving at motorists and being followed by people until the police arrived.

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