Some Sebastian businesses refuse to open for Thanksgiving, Christmas

Some businesses refuse to open on Thanksgiving and Christmas in Sebastian, Florida.

Some businesses refuse to open on Thanksgiving and Christmas in Sebastian, Florida.

SEBASTIAN – At a time when retail stores are pushing Black Friday deals 2018 on Thanksgiving, some local business owners refuse to open during the holidays.

“We will never be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Those are family days,” Tiki Bar & Grill owner John Campbell told Sebastian Daily.

Farther north on Indian River Drive in Sebastian, Earl’s Hideaway Lounge and Captain Hiram’s were open on Thanksgiving Day and packed with patrons.

Some of the local supermarkets remained open in Sebastian, where employees were working.

“We don’t make time and a half because we’re in a right to work state,” a Winn-Dixie employee told Sebastian Daily. The employee has been with the company for 20 years.

Most businesses open for the Holiday closed early to allow their employees to spend time with their families.

This weekend is Small Business Saturday. Please support your local Sebastian small businesses by visiting their stores and restaurants.

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