City of Sebastian Holds Informational Graves Brothers Annexation Workshops 

Sebastian Annexation

Sebastian Annexation

The City of Sebastian will be hosting two informational Graves Brothers Annexation Workshops for residents who would like to learn more about the annexation process or give their input. Both will be at the Sebastian City Hall Council Chambers.


In a recent interview with Sebastian City Manager Paul Carlisle, he expressed the importance for residents to attend the Sebastian Annexation workshops. 

Chances are, your home and property were made available in the City of Sebastian after an annexation. The property owner has periodically annexed other land into the City for almost 100 years. Annexation helps maintain sustainability for the City, as we’ve seen for several decades.

If we do nothing and allow Indian River County to build on the property, it will add more stress to our roads, parks, and boat ramps without the new residents paying a dime in taxes. 

It does NOT raise taxes to annex more land into the City, primarily when it is both residential and commercial. 

You can also watch the City Manager provide more information about annexation with the City Manager on our YouTube channel.

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